
UserscriptsisanopensourceSafariextensionthatletsyousaveandrunarbitrarybitsofJavaScript(andCSS)codeforthewebsitesyouvisit.,Changethewebatwillwithuserscripts.EnhanceyourbrowsingexperiencewithTampermonkey!Tampermonkeyisaversatilebrowserextensionwithover ...,2024年5月24日—Conceptsandusage.Auserscriptisabitofcodeinjectedintoawebpagetomodifyitsappearanceorbehavior.Scriptsareeithercreated ...,2024年3...

Userscripts on the App Store

Userscripts is an open source Safari extension that lets you save and run arbitrary bits of JavaScript (and CSS) code for the websites you visit.


Change the web at will with userscripts. Enhance your browsing experience with Tampermonkey! Tampermonkey is a versatile browser extension with over ...

chrome.userScripts | API

2024年5月24日 — Concepts and usage. A user script is a bit of code injected into a web page to modify its appearance or behavior. Scripts are either created ...

userScripts - Mozilla

2024年3月8日 — Use this API to register user scripts, third-party scripts designed to manipulate webpages or provide new features.


A userscript (or user script) is a program, usually written in JavaScript, for modifying web pages to augment browsing. Uses include adding shortcut buttons ...

A curated list of Awesome Userscripts.

The most popular userscript managers are Greasemonkey, Tampermonkey, and Violentmonkey. There's no focused plugins to get Userscripts running on Internet ...

Greasy Fork

Welcome to Greasy Fork, a site for user scripts. · Step 1: install a user script manager · Step 2: install a user script · Step 3: use the user script.

User Scripts

User Scripts. Chromium and Google Chrome (version 4 and higher) have built-in support for Greasemonkey-style user scripts. To use, click on any .user.js ...


Userscript.Zone Search is a website that allows searching for userscripts by entering a matching URL or domain. Many scripts; It is very easy to ...


It allows its users to customize and enhance the functionality of your favorite web pages. Userscripts are small JavaScript programs that can be used to add new ...


